Vicious Velociraptors

The Velociraptor


On the forest floor, I caught a glimpse of a velociraptor. Its eyes were black like the night sky and its feathers were dark and grim. He was smaller than I would’ve thought though. As he was hunting for food I saw his claws, they were small but they were also sharp. I stood there in astonishment.


With great speed, he leaped up on top of a sheep that he found in the wild. After he was done eating his prey he fell asleep.  At the crack of dawn, he finally woke up for a drink at a water hole which was when I noticed his teeth. They were small but really sharp, sort of the same as his claws.


At 12 o’clock, he called his pack and four more velociraptors came over. They had found some more sheep. Two of them took down the sheep by jumping on it and biting it. Meanwhile the others spotted a cow. They decided to chase the cow down instead of the sheep. It was sad. I saw them eat the cow and I felt bad for it. But then I remembered I eat cows too so I didn’t care.It was amazing watching how they hunt. Eventually the velociraptors spotted me and they ran away.

I made some writing about a velociraptor and his pack. Hope you enjoy it! (I could not put the doc on because it wouldn’t work)

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